Wielkopolskie - : information, history, photos.

: History, information.

Warning! The following content has been translated automatically and may contain errors, Polish characters or make no sense at all. It is a single-person project and unfortunately I do not have time to translate long texts into English. If you want me to translate any part of this text or you need any other information, feel free to contact me.
Józef Wybicki, obraz namalowany przez Marcello Bacciarelli'ego w 1811 roku
Kościół Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego
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Photos of abandoned place.

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User image Mary
2 September 2016, 14:54
Z zewnątrz wygląda interesująco - musi być bardzo stary.
User image Rafi123
27 September 2016, 12:55
O prosze gdzie nasz Wybicki bywal i co robil :-D W koncu to tez czlowiek :-) A opuszczone miejsce ciekawe.
User image Trudi Urbex
Trudi Urbex
16 November 2016, 17:37
O proszę, gdzie zawędrował nasz narodowy wieszcz Wybicki :-) Bardzo fajne opuszczone miejsce, ciekawe jak w środku.
User image podrużnik
5 July 2019, 12:45
Na urbexy.pl znajdziecie mapę opuszczonych miejsc w okolicy

My travels.

As you may have noticed, this page has not been updated very often lately. This does not mean that I have abandoned exploration - only that I am temporarily occupied by another project called Fshoq! - Travels and Photography, where I describe my travel adventures, I add photo guides and describe ways to live healthier. If you are curious about my trips and photography, take a look at this page. Once I've developed enough of Fshoq!, As I have done with Into the Shadows, I will return here and I will again start to describing my exploration of abandoned places. See you later!

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