Lubelskie - : information, history, photos.

: History, information.

Localization: Lublin Voivodeship, Poland.
Warning! The following content has been translated automatically and may contain errors, Polish characters or make no sense at all. It is a single-person project and unfortunately I do not have time to translate long texts into English. If you want me to translate any part of this text or you need any other information, feel free to contact me.
Parowozownia Dęblin: obsługa parowozu, 1957 rok
Parowozownia Dęblin: kurs maszynisty, zdjęcie archiwalne
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Photos of abandoned place.

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User image Gunslinger
20 February 2019, 10:02
Love all the pics, especially the trains. Would like to be able to visit some of these places but the budget says otherwise, so I am stuck with looking at pics on the internet and google earth. I understand and respect that you don't publish the locations of your finds, it stops the looters for the most part. Here in the US if someone finds an abandoned place, they think that is an open invitation to trash the place, that's why there aren't many nice abandoned places to visit over here.
User image Danny
3 September 2020, 17:51
Chciałbym poznać więcej takich miejsc, interesuje mnie to miejsce do teledysku. Czy mogę poznać lokalizację i mieć Ciebie za przewodnika ? Proszę o kontakt email

My travels.

As you may have noticed, this page has not been updated very often lately. This does not mean that I have abandoned exploration - only that I am temporarily occupied by another project called Fshoq! - Travels and Photography, where I describe my travel adventures, I add photo guides and describe ways to live healthier. If you are curious about my trips and photography, take a look at this page. Once I've developed enough of Fshoq!, As I have done with Into the Shadows, I will return here and I will again start to describing my exploration of abandoned places. See you later!

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