Opolskie - : information, history, photos.

: History, information.

Localization: Opole Voivodeship, Poland.
Warning! The following content has been translated automatically and may contain errors, Polish characters or make no sense at all. It is a single-person project and unfortunately I do not have time to translate long texts into English. If you want me to translate any part of this text or you need any other information, feel free to contact me.
Król Popiel - Mysia Wieża
Zamek w Kruszwicy
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Photos of abandoned place.

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User image Karl
12 December 2016, 21:43
Ha, zdarza mi się przejeżdżać niedaleko tych ruin jakoś raz w tygodniu, lubię się tam zatrzymać przy jeziorze na kilka chwil i popatrzeć, powspominać jak tu kiedyś było, kiedy stał jeszcze cały zamek.
User image Sławomir
27 March 2017, 07:32
Fatalne te tłumaczenie na angielski.
User image karolina
19 May 2017, 01:49
Mysia Wieża nie znajduję się na Opolszczyźnie ;)
User image Daria94
17 November 2018, 10:06
Dla ścisłości, zdjęcia przedstawiają basztę w Bolesławcu ;)

My travels.

As you may have noticed, nothing on this site has been added for some time. But no, I did not leave this project, I'm just busy with others. Currently I am building a website called Fshoq!, where I'm writing a travel blog, where you can find both my new and those old adventures. So if you are waiting for more of my texts or pictures, this is the place I think it is worth looking into. After I will make Fshoq! site more popular, I'm going to get back to Into the Shadows, as I'm having more and more explorations of abandoned places to describe. Meanwhile, see you later!

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