Mazowieckie - : information, history, photos.

: History, information.

Warning! The following content has been translated automatically and may contain errors, Polish characters or make no sense at all. It is a single-person project and unfortunately I do not have time to translate long texts into English. If you want me to translate any part of this text or you need any other information, feel free to contact me.
Twierdza Modlin kiedyś, zdjęcie archiwalne
Twierdza Modlin mapa

In 1807 the Duchy of Warsaw was founded under French protection. In the place of Modlin, a temporary fortress was originally to be built to serve as a food warehouse. General Prosper de Chasseloup-Laubat was responsible. Construction began in 1807, and it went on resistantly and slowly, as early as 1809, the troops of the Duchy of Warsaw were stationed here after the Battle of Raszyn.

World War I

Nowa twierdza Modlin wizualizacja
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User image Karel
12 December 2016, 21:37
W Twierdzy Modlin byłem niedawno z rodziną. Z tej części udostępnianej dla turystów nie widać, jakie to wszystko ogromne. A o tym, że to najdłuższy budynek w Europie, także nie wiedziałem. Dzięki za bardzo ciekawą historię oraz mapę twierdzy! Tak trzymać.
User image h=bea399cf7cb814983445c6a50f838495- <div style=" />
28 April 2022, 10:19

My travels.

As you may have noticed, this page has not been updated very often lately. This does not mean that I have abandoned exploration - only that I am temporarily occupied by another project called Fshoq! - Travels and Photography, where I describe my travel adventures, I add photo guides and describe ways to live healthier. If you are curious about my trips and photography, take a look at this page. Once I've developed enough of Fshoq!, As I have done with Into the Shadows, I will return here and I will again start to describing my exploration of abandoned places. See you later!

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